Author: Protech Composites Inc

Manufacturer of custom carbon fiber sheets and molded parts. Although we offer 7 standard stock thicknesses, we specialize in making products in the specific thickness and finish that's right for their need.

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Carbon Fiber and Manufacturers

Carbon fiber is a miracle material that is strong, lightweight, durable, corrosion-resistant (and more), and is widely used in many different industries around the world.

It’s a captivating material with many different applications including sporting goods, engineering, and medicine. But did you know these facts about carbon fiber, carbon fiber manufacturers, and its history?

1. Carbon fiber was first “invented” well over half a century ago.
Carbon fiber may be “space-age” but it is certainly not new. It was actually first developed for the first time (officially) near Cleveland, Ohio.

Even before than that, carbon fiber filaments were used as early as 1860 to be used as oxidation-resistant filaments in incandescent light bulbs.

2. Carbon fiber composites can be used to substantially lighten vehicle weight, improving fuel economy.
When applied to lighten vehicle weight, carbon fiber can be used to improve fuel economy by as much as 35%.

3. Carbon fiber is lighter and stronger than steel.
High-performance carbon fiber materials are known not only for their lightweight nature but for their high strength. Carbon fiber can be made as much as 5 times stronger than steel while remaining only a fraction of the weight – up to 70% lighter.

4. Carbon fiber itself actually is UV-resistant (it’s the epoxy that isn’t).
Some people believe that carbon fiber is not UV-resistant, which makes it unsuitable for producing goods that will be exposed to a high degree of sunlight. This is actually not the case.

The carbon fibers themselves are completely impervious to ultraviolet radiation. It is the epoxy resin used to fill and bind them that is subject to photodegradation.

However, some carbon fiber manufacturers, such as Protech Composites, produce cutting-edge carbon fiber composite materials made with UV-resistant epoxy. To learn more about the company, its carbon fiber products, or its manufacturing processes, visit or contact their customer service at 360-573-7800.

5. It’s available in a variety of weave patterns and finishes.
High-quality carbon fiber materials are available in a wide range of weaves and finishes, ranging from twill weaves to high-gloss carbon fiber, which can be used preferentially for their superior aesthetic appeal.

6. Carbon fiber can also be made to be very flexible – not just stiff.
Depending on the thickness, density, treatment and layup of the materials, carbon fiber can be either flexible (making it perfect for plates in running shoes or snowboards) or very stiff (making it suitable for automotive parts or ballistic shields).

7. Carbon fiber is an excellent conductor of electricity.
Carbon fibers themselves are excellent conductors of electricity, making them suitable for use in telecommunications and power transfer – not to mention for the production of light filaments, as mentioned in the first fact of this article.

8. Carbon fiber products can be produced from a wide range of raw material precursors (natural or synthetic materials that are carbon-bearing)
Carbon fibers, before they can be purified, woven, and fixed with epoxy, must first be isolated from materials known as precursors. Precursors of carbon fiber include synthetic materials like polyacrylonitrile, semi-synthetic materials like rayon (which is produced from wood fibers), or natural materials like pitch (which is naturally occurring in trees).

Top 5 Innovative Manufacturing Companies In 2022

With so many voices predicting a recession or the next global pandemic, we tend to lose track of the amazing things happening around us. Remember, every crisis is also an opportunity to innovate and help the world move forward with the use of technology and innovation.

Let’s take a look at five manufacturing companies that are changing the way we think about manufacturing and resilience.

Sight Machine
Founded in 2021, this software company had a vision of turning manufacturing into a data-driven endeavor. Their latest software is so powerful that it can reshape the production process of entire plants through agile use of data. Organizations using the software have been able to drastically improve the performance of their processes, allowing the user to monitor and make adjustments to meet manufacturing goals or make necessary corrections on the fly. The platform has seen action in many industries, being used by automotive, pharmaceutical, and even carbon fiber manufacturing companies.

The crisis caused by the events in 2020 put supply chain structures on the radar, especially that of pharmaceutical products. Disruptions in this industry caused a lot of people in the US to experience shortages of vital medications and supplies. Phlow took it upon themselves to improve the US medicine supply change, creating the Children´s Hospital Coalition and guaranteeing the continuous flow of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished products. This not only places vital medications in the hands of doctors and patients. It also helps ensure affordability.

Today, more and more companies and industries are taking decisive steps to reduce emissions. This has been a constant preoccupation in the manufacturing world as organizations struggle to make the necessary corporate cultural changes while remaining profitable. Aveva created a process simulation software platform that creates accurate projections that help engineers forecast emissions when implementing carbon emission mitigation strategies. Aveva takes a lot of the guesswork out of the way, giving objective and actionable data that helps organizations meet their sustainability goals with ease.

Taylor Guitars
This company found a way to integrate the processes of the upcoming circular economy into their manufacturing process. The wood used for crafting instruments should not come from pristine forests that are home to our extremely diverse wildlife. Taylor Guitars was aware of this, and in 2020 they launched their Urban Ash line of instruments made from trees marked for removal from city streets across the country. They partnered with West Coast Arborists, a company dedicated to landscaping and tree removal, to source their woods for their high-quality instruments.

Protech Composites
The need for lighter and more efficient super materials has only increased in the last couple of decades. Electric cars need bodies and components to increase their energy independence, and renewable energy suppliers are always in search of high-performance materials that allow them to efficiently harness the power of natural resources. Protech Composites is a Carbon Fiber manufacturing company that is currently becoming a go-to source for high-end projects and establishing a steady domestic supply for industries interested in energy efficiency and resilience.

How To Find The Best Carbon Fiber Supplier

Carbon fiber has been around for decades now, but it still excites the imagination of many. It was long touted as the super material of the future due to its incredible strength and frankly unnatural lightweightness. Many forecast its universal adoption in almost every industry, and we were told space ships and planes would be completely made of carbon fiber in the future.

As it often happens, all those visions of a squared pattern future turned out to be just wishful thinking. While carbon fiber is indeed a super material, the cost of making high-quality carbon fiber parts is still too high to be universally adopted.

However, things seem to be changing in the manufacturing world as a few carbon fiber suppliers bring in innovative technologies that ensure incredible quality and affordability. The process has changed a lot with time, making it easier for anyone to get their hands on excellent carbon fiber sheets or panels and get creative.

What makes carbon fiber ideal for so many applications is its incredible tensile strength. Parts made of this material are very resistant and lightweight. It is also extremely versatile. The manufacturing process starts with organic polymers resins called polyacrylonitrile. However, when combined with other materials, like gases or liquids, during the manufacturing process, you obtain certain effects or quality grades. High-grade sheets and panels are often used in extremely demanding applications where integrity and durability are paramount, such as the aerospace industry.

The precursors, or the name given to raw materials in the industry, are mixed and then spun into long threads or fibers. This is an important process that requires extreme attention to detail to continually wash and stretch the fibers and then stabilize the chemical bonding of the materials.

Then the fibers are exposed to high temperatures so the carbon crystallizes, and then the fibers are oxidized to continue the bonding process. The finished products are thin fibers that are then wound onto bobbins that will be used in spinning machines to create different size yarns.

Carbon fiber is woven into fabric that shows the recognizable squared pattern. The fabric is infused with resin to make carbon fiber parts and flat sheets. However, not all carbon fiber sheets are created equal. If your project requires the best quality for increased integrity and durability, it is best to contact a trusted carbon fiber supplier that can guarantee sheets with very specific characteristics. To recognize high-quality carbon sheets make sure they lie absolutely flat on surfaces without showing signs of waves or warpings. Also, look out for scratches. Even a nick or marred edges show poor craftsmanship. Your sheets mustn’t present any pinholes or tiny holes that let the light through as if the sheet were poked with needles.

We only know one manufacturer able to guarantee the best quality and the best prices. Protech Composites is by far the best carbon fiber supplier in the US, ensuring high quality and affordability for any project. Contact them today, and find out more about their carbon fiber products and manufacturing process.

3 Most Classic Carbon Fiber Products Today

In all industries, there are particular materials that bring the most out of various products and goods. Durable, beautiful, and comfortable fabrics are vital to the fashion industry. High-quality and delectable ingredients are important to restaurants and other businesses in the food industry.

But what is a material that is applicable for numerous entities and companies along with their products? That is undeniably carbon fiber. Carbon fiber products are all around us, even in places you might not have even known. For example, carbon fiber is found in jewelry and even suitcases!

Carbon fiber is a polymer (often referred to as “graphite fiber”) found in many different products because it is extremely lightweight and strong. In fact, it is 5 times stronger and 70% lighter than steel. It’s also 40% lighter than aluminum. It’s really no wonder as to why this particular material has such versatile usage capabilities.

While these products are everywhere, let’s take a look at three of the most classic carbon fiber products to get a better idea of this remarkable material’s utility.

1. Aircraft and Spacecraft Parts
This sturdy and dependable material is found throughout aviation crafts. Carbon fiber is in numerous parts of airplanes and spacecraft, such as fuselages, main bodies, wings, and tails. This is because of the aforementioned qualities of carbon fiber, but it’s also because, when used appropriately, it is rust-resistant and increases fuel efficiency.

Well-known airplanes use this unique material, such as Boeing and Airbus. It’s also used in spacecraft, such as their solid rocket motors, which are usually made of filament wound from carbon fiber of high strength.

2. Racecar and Sportscar Parts
Because speed is such an important element to racecar driving, racecars need to utilize the most lightweight yet sturdy materials. This is exactly why they utilize a lot of carbon fiber– and this is the same case with sportscars in general.

A racecar’s chassis, which can best be simply described as its multi-functional framework (and comes in many different types), is made primarily of carbon fiber (and a bit of aluminum) and has been since the 1980s.

3. Sports Equipment
A plethora of sports equipment utilizes the wondrous carbon fiber material. These pieces of equipment include golf shafts, softball bats, tennis rackets, bicycle frames, skis, snowboards, fishing rods, and so much more. Therefore, it’s likely that your favorite sport or activity is fueled with the help of carbon fiber.

It’s utilized in so many pieces of sporting gear because not only of its lightweight characteristics but also because of its unparalleled sturdiness. These pieces of equipment can stay together for longer and provide you with dependable tools when you need them. Plus, they can even further your game, making you an overall better and more consistent player.

Where to Purchase Custom Carbon Fiber
Do you believe that your business could flourish with the assistance of carbon fiber products? Then entrust Protech Composites Inc., the industry leader in manufacturing custom carbon fiber sheets and molded parts. If you have any questions, give their customer service a call at 360-573-7800.

Why Spend the Extra Money on Carbon Fiber Composites?

In the manufacturing industry, cheaper does not always translate into long-term savings. It is always better to pay a one-off premium for pieces, tools, and materials that will retain integrity and performance for a long time, instead of paying less for things that will need to be replaced often or make you incur constant maintenance costs.

Carbon fiber composites enter this premium category as they offer several properties that affect the quality of end products made with this incredible material.

Let’s see some of the properties carbon fiber brings to the table.

Carbon Fiber Is Lightweight

Carbon is an extremely strong and durable material. Its advantage over other materials such as metal is its lightweightness, which makes it ideal for replacing vehicle frames traditionally made of heavier elements.

In the biking world, you needed titanium frames if you wanted a strong ride capable of withstanding a fair amount of abuse. Those who wanted more speed and efficiency, favored aluminum frames for lighter weight.

Carbon fiber frames provide increased durability, and they tend to be even lighter than aluminum pieces. This material´s weight to strength ratio is higher than that of steel, and long-term wear is not a matter of concern. While carbon fiber frames do break from direct impact, they can be easily repaired, keeping their performance and durability, unlike metal frames.

Carbon Fiber Is Versatile

The applications for carbon fiber composite seem to be infinite as new manufacturing processes and resins become available. Carbon fiber can be molded and machined to create thick and strong parts that can take incredible abuse and retain its properties and shape without a problem.

Carbon fiber sheets and wrap can be used to strengthen structural columns and beams. It has long been used in the automotive industry to increase speed and performance by cutting down on weight. This same principle is being extensively applied in the aerospace industry today. Small or unmanned aerial vehicles now use carbon fiber hulls and parts, increasing their payload capacity without sacrificing durability.

Carbon Fiber Looks Great

Carbon fiber composite is not restricted to capital-intensive industries.

The interior design industry is now using thin high-quality carbon fiber sheets as a decorative trim for objects that range from kitchenware to home furniture. It reflects a futuristic yet elegant feel that modern designers now crave.

Carbon fiber is also seen increasingly on high-end boats, yachts and private planes, covering instrument panels and cabinetry. When infused with UV resins, carbon fiber offer effective UV protection, making it an excellent choice for marine applications.

Accessories manufacturers create visually appealing and high-quality accessories that take full advantage of the properties of this resistant and lightweight material. You can find phone cases, cardholders, wallets, belt clips, and glasses frames, all made with carbon fiber.

If you want to learn more about this fantastic material, get in touch with the real experts with or call their customer service team at 360-573-7800 today!